In celebration of International Women’s Day hosted by Baroness Verma at the House of Lords, Elham Fardad was given a Women of Excellence Award for her professional achievements and further contributions made to others in Britain. Margaret Ali, UK Director of UPF and Robin Marsh, Secretary General of UPF UK avid supporters of gender parity facilitated a very meaningful discussion with the panel of speakers and delivered a message of hope. As part of the panel of speakers Elham Fardad expressed “…my biggest achievement in life hasn’t been about me, it has been about my children. It was my children who inspired me to start the charity Migrant Leaders. It was my children who inspired me to imagine a Britain they would live in where every young person regardless of where they come from had the leadership capability to aspire to become their best, to have the confidence and resilience to go after their dreams. To have the connections and opportunities that are based on merit and achievement and to have a network of experienced mentors from the top firms. That is the future Britain we set up Migrant Leaders to help achieve. A future Britain where everyone recognises that life in reality is full of opportunities for everyone to work together, grow the size of the pie and divide it in an equitable way. A future where there is harmony in the country and within communities simply because there is hope. That is what we are going to help achieve at Migrant Leaders…”. Also in the panel were Baroness Jenkin and Rt Hon Maria Miller MP who inspired the audience from diverse backgrounds including business, academia, and politics.
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