Migrant Leaders Mentors Conference Brings Together Our Mentors from 60 Leading Companies

conferences events news Sep 21, 2018

Our Mentors Conference brought together Migrant Leaders Mentors from 60 leading large corporates to network, share ideas on diverse talent and hear our CEO Elham Fardad and our Patrons Dr Yvonne Thompson CBE and Rene Carayol MBE speak. We were joined by members of our Advisory Board and our Young Leaders Panel who made a great contribution to the day and helped demonstrate the diversity and leadership of the young people we engage with. To see our full conference materials, watch out for the launch of our Migrant Leaders Digital Programme. 

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Young Leaders Design the Future Britain with Migrant Leaders

events news Jun 02, 2018

Our Young Leaders Panel joined a Migrant Leaders workshop day to outline the future Britain they would be proud of. The principles set the direction of the Migrant Leaders Development Programme and how our charity would continue to ‘give back to Britain’ by supporting all young people from deprived and under-represented backgrounds across the country.


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Migrant Leaders Founder Speaking at Conference ‘Challenging Mental Health Stigma’

conferences other Apr 23, 2018

Elham Fardad invited as guest speaker where she emphasised the importance of mental health for young migrants “In my experience mental health is in part about being satisfied with the outcomes we have achieved in our lives. It is about fulfilling our potential in the roles that have meaning to each of us, and importantly helping others fulfil their potential. Personal success means nothing without our happiness, health and helping others….”

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Migrant Leaders Founder and CEO Presented with Women of Excellence Award at House of Lords

awards news Mar 27, 2018

In celebration of International Women’s Day hosted by Baroness Verma at the House of Lords, Elham Fardad was given a Women of Excellence Award for her professional achievements and further contributions made to others in Britain. Margaret Ali, UK Director of UPF and Robin Marsh, Secretary General of UPF UK avid supporters of gender parity facilitated a very meaningful discussion with the panel of speakers and delivered a message of hope. As part of the panel of speakers Elham Fardad expressed “…my biggest achievement in life hasn’t been about me, it has been about my children. It was my children who inspired me to start the charity Migrant Leaders. It was my children who inspired me to imagine a Britain they would live in where every young person regardless of where they come from had the leadership capability to aspire to become their best, to have the confidence and resilience to go after their dreams. To have the connections and opportunities that are...

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Migrant Leaders Leadership Development Conference Brings Together Young People and Professionals to Work

conferences Jan 28, 2018

The Migrant Leaders Leadership Development Conference on Saturday 27th January 2018 aimed to get the 68 attendees being young people and professionals working together on common objectives. The agenda was packed with workshop sessions, expert speakers and networking…

Watch out for the full conference materials being made available on our website. Register on our website to be notified when our online resources are released and to receive our valuable monthly newsletter by email.

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Migrant Leaders Youth Conference Invites Feedback on the Programme

conferences Oct 15, 2017

The Migrant Leaders Youth Conference on Sunday 8th October 2017 introduced the proposed programme to young people to invite feedback. This was designed and facilitated by Elham Fardad who divided the attendees into discussion groups who then each presented on the stage their feedback and thoughts to Elham and others. Elham said “…This is a pivotal conference as the Migrant Leaders Development Programme is for all of you young people and those across the country who will have access to all our online resources. The focus groups we will get you into are to discuss the key questions we ask you and every one of you will be encouraged to present your thoughts on the stage…”

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Migrant Leaders Founder and CEO Presented with UPF Award at House of Commons

awards news Jul 27, 2017

In celebration of Young Achievers at the House of Commons, Elham Fardad was awarded by UPF for her mentoring of young migrants over the last 10 years. The award was presented to Elham by Margaret Ali, Robin Marsh and Rt Hon John McDonnell MP, Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer. Elham’s message to the young people was “…Fear nothing and no-one, least of all yourself…for the brave man dies once in his life but the fearful man dies a thousand deaths a day…”

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Leaders in Fast Track Conference at the O2

conferences Mar 31, 2017

On March 27th 2017 Elham Fardad was invited as Key Note Speaker at the O2 Leaders in Fast Track Conference. Attended by a diverse group of delegates in senior roles from public and private sector organisations. Elham Fardad shared her experiences on how to accelerate your leadership journey. Her principles are (1) Know yourself (2) Be fearless (3) Take charge (4) Don’t make it personal (5) Don’t lose your integrity. She said “Nothing is certain in life and we could all lose our health, wealth, career, loved ones but what nobody can take away from you is your character. Maintaining that gives you a sense of confidence and meaning to your life which is key to happiness and sustainable leadership success….”

Watch out for Elham’s full conference talk being made available on our website. Register on our website to be notified when our online resources are released and to receive our valuable monthly newsletter by email.

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